Let me start by saying I love fashion. I have loved style and fashion since I could remember. Keep in mind this was long before the craze of designer labels became main stream, in the way my children have experienced it.
I am talking about living in a very small town in the 1960's and 70's and the fashion available was in a mail order catalogue from the large department stores.
When my siblings would look at the toy section of the Sears Catalogue, I was looking at the kids fashion and would drool because my parents didn't have much money and I am the youngest of five kids.
My mom is a very resourceful women and sewing for her family was as important as gardening and canning.
So for me this is where it all began. I learned at a young age that when you cannot afford that blouse or dress you love so much, you make it yourself.
How important fashion is to someone is personal to each of us. Our reasons for wearing clothes, ranges from necessity to down right competition with your peers. All the designer labels can make your head swim, and yet for some of us, it defines who we are. No matter what your reason for wearing clothes, you can create your own wardrobe.
So what happens when you cannot afford to buy a silk blouse you love in the boutique you pass on your way to work? You do the very best thing and sew that blouse yourself.
Let's say this blouse you love is about $200.00 and it is 100% silk. No problem, you get home from work and start with an online search. Look for fabric stores in your area. This way you can get one on one help from an experienced sales clerk. Or you peruse the pattern companies online and start finding the online fabric stores available.